Fix the root cause of No-Call No-Show with TeamSense Book a Demo

Fix the root cause of No-Call No-Show with TeamSense

Book a Demo

About the webinar

Join our upcoming webinar featuring Shanna Wilson, Human Resources Manager at Martinrea Industries, as she shares how the company is redefining HR by putting employees at the heart of their operations. Discover Martinrea's innovative approach to employee engagement and support, and learn how they’ve successfully implemented TeamSense to overcome operational challenges, improve communication, and streamline attendance tracking.

Key Takeaways:

  • Discover how Martinrea Industries is redefining HR by prioritizing employee engagement, support, and well-being, with real-world examples of their innovative initiatives.
  • Learn from Martinrea's journey as they implemented TeamSense to tackle operational challenges. Find out how they streamlined communication and improved attendance tracking effectively across multiple locations.
  • Discover how TeamSense can be scaled across other locations to improve absence tracking and communication within your organization.

Things you’ll learn

Employee-Centric HR Strategies

Impact of TeamSense

Scalable Solutions