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Download Your Welcome Letter to New Employee Template

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Writing a New Employee Welcome Letter? Use This Sample Template!
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Congratulations on your new employee! In today's cut-throat job market, finding and hiring top talent can be a challenge, so it's important to make sure your onboarding process sets them, and in return, your company up for success. One key component of effective onboarding is a personalized welcome letter along with a new hire checklist.
A well-written welcome letter can set the tone for the employee's tenure with your company. It can also help them feel welcomed and appreciated, which is essential for a positive work experience. In this sample welcome letter, we have combined a traditional welcome to the company approach with a few important first-day facts as well as general employee information. We believe transparency right out of the gate is important for building trust with your new team member.
Our welcome letter for new employees is available via Google Docs. It is set up for you to make a copy. You're going to want to customize our sample welcome letter to fit your company's unique voice and style, and make sure to include all necessary details such as the employee's start date, reporting location, contact information for HR or their supervisor, dress code, any required forms to fill out, and general expectations for the first day and beyond.
Don't wait until your new hire's first day to welcome them onboard - download our free sample welcome letter now, customize it, and send it out as soon as they accept the job offer. We hope this template helps streamline your onboarding process and sets your new employee up for a successful start with your company. Happy hiring!
Sample Employee Welcome Letter
[Company letter head]
Dear [new employee],
Welcome to [company]! We are thrilled to have you on board, and we cannot wait to see all the great things you will accomplish. We want to make sure that your transition into your new role is as smooth as possible, so we have put together this welcome letter to help get you started.
Below you will find some key information about [company], including common practices and procedures. We also want to take a moment to express our appreciation for your willingness to join us. We believe you will be a valuable addition to our team. [share some of the reasons why they were picked for the role]
We hope that you find this quick introduction letter helpful and that it provides answers about your new role at our company. Thank you for joining us, and we look forward to seeing you on [start date]!
(Your signature)
(Your name and title)
Welcome To The Team [New Hire]!
We are excited to welcome you to the Team here at [company], where our operation is focused heavily on teamwork and employee success. In order to better integrate you into the team, we wanted to highlight some of the most common new employee questions and expectations. Below you will find information pertaining to your Day 1 as well as other important facts for all Team Members. If you have any questions, please reach out to your hiring manager.
Day 1 Information:
- Prior to Day 1 New Hires will need to:
Complete ALL pre-onboarding requirements including your I-9, Direct Deposit, Contact Information, Safety & Liability, etc.
Complete your virtual New Hire Orientation (lookout for email for scheduling)
Introductions and Training will take place on Day 1 with IT, Security, and your direct team.
Shift Structure:
Our current Operation Model is Monday-Friday, with each Team Member's schedule fitting a staggered shift depending on the area. Part-time and less than part-time availability is staggered as well.
Department | Shift | SOS/EOS | Lunch |
Overtime will be called and communicated based on volume and business needs. Each department will have a personalized Google Form that will have open opportunities for Team Members to sign-up for work the following week.
Security and IT
All employees will each be assigned a personalized badge to enter/exit the building and submit their punches. Employees are required to have their badge visible at all times while working on-site. Badges should not be used to allow others to get in or out of the facility. If a badge is no longer working or is lost, employees must partner with their direct Leader as soon as possible.
TM’s will also be issued work assets (computer station) and should use IT equipment for work purposes only. If experiencing problems with any IT equipment, partner with your direct Leader first and then follow steps to alert the site IT representative.
Depending on the location, there may be requirements to submit a Daily Health Survey, including completing your temperature check. Once the survey is completed, you are required to use your badge to submit your punches daily. Continuous failure to complete your health survey or submit punches can lead to progressive accountability.
If you plan to be absent, it is your responsibility to not only alert your leadership but submit your Paid Time Off option in the system in a timely manner.
All timekeeping concerns should be communicated to your direct Leader no later than your last day on-site weekly.
Planned tardiness/early departures should be communicated at least 48 hours in advance to your direct Leader via email.
Call-outs should be communicated at least 30 minutes prior to the start of the shift via email (email alias). Employees should not use Slack or SMS messages to communicate tardies/absences.
Late Arrivals/Early Departures
Clocking IN any time after the Start of the Shift is considered late/tardy.
Clocking OUT more than 2 minutes prior to the End of the Shift will be considered an Early Departure.
Late Arrivals and Early Departures will be unpaid, with progressive disciplinary action after 5 occurrences.
Lunch and Breaks
You will have 1 30-minute UNPAID lunch break during your shift. o You must clock in and out for lunch.
You will have 1 15-minute PAID break during your 8-hour scheduled shift. o You cannot leave the property during this break, but you are allowed to spend your break outside the building.
You are NOT to clock in/out during your paid breaks.
Planned vs. Unplanned PTO
- Employees are allotted 5 unplanned PTO days per calendar year.
Unplanned PTO can only be used in whole-day increments.
After 5 unplanned PTO days, additional days will be unpaid.
Accountability coaching & disciplinary action will commence after 5 unplanned days are used (full or half day).
- Employees are allotted unlimited planned PTO days per calendar year.
Planned PTO days need to be submitted via Workday and email at least 10 BUSINESS (2 weeks) days prior to requesting days off.
- Planned PTO days can be used for half or whole-day absences.
o Paid Time Off request can be denied if 10% of the department threshold has been met.
After 23 planned PTO days, Team Members must have all requests approved by members of Sr. Leadership.
Cell Phones/Headphones
- Cell phones are permitted on the production floor.
Cell phones are to be used for listening to music or audiobooks only.
Cell phones should NOT be used for calls/texting, movies, web surfing, etc.
Misuse of cell phones will be progressively documented.
If you need to make a call/send a text, please advise your Leader and step off the floor.
- Earbuds should be used in connection with all cell phones.
Earbuds should be limited to one ear only to ensure the safety of all Team Members.
Dress Code/Personal Belongings
- Employees are to dress comfortably for the warehouse climate.
Clothing must be worn or hung on a jacket rack near the Employee entrance.
Closed toe/heel shoes are required while in the facility (Sandals of any kind are not permitted in the building at any time).
Clothing with offensive or derogatory messaging is not permitted.
- Bags of any kind are NOT permitted on the production floor.
Lockers can be used to house personal belongings (partner with Asset Protection for a locker)
Masks are required once you enter the facility.
Food & Beverages
Each facility is equipped with a designated area (breakroom) where employees are able to take breaks and have food and drink. Each area will include access to refrigerators and microwaves in the breakroom.
All food and beverages are to be consumed in the Breakroom ONLY.
Water is the ONLY liquid allowed on the Production Floor.
Food is NOT allowed on the Production Floor at any time.
Refrigerators will be cleaned out weekly (Fridays @ 5 PM)
Employee retention is a vital component of any successful business, human resources, and part of that is creating a positive work environment. A new employee welcome letter helps set the tone for your new employee's experience with your company and can make them feel appreciated and valued from day one, leading to improved morale and increased retention rates. Focusing on a positive onboarding experience for new hires also helps build trust and strengthens the employer-employee relationship. A great welcome letter will add a personal touch, demonstrate key values, new employee welcome messages from the team, reinforce the company's culture, show they are a valuable asset, and provide a warm welcome to new employees.
Ideally, you want to send the new employee welcome letter as soon as they accept the job offer after the interview process before employee orientation. Human resources can include it with their official offer package or send a new employee welcome email separately for their new job. If in-person is your primary point of contact, you will want to print out a copy for their first day. It's never too late to send a welcome letter, though - even if their start date has passed, it's still a nice gesture to make them feel welcomed and appreciated. It's better to use it as an email template from the human resources team with a warm subject line if nothing else. The new employee welcome letter template may invite the new employee to meet the entire team at team lunch or during another event during their first week.
Your new employee welcome letter should include the employee's start date and location, contact information for HR or their supervisor, dress code, employment status, any required forms to fill out, and general expectations for the first day and beyond. Human resources may also want to include information about company culture, benefits, and any available employee resources. Personalizing the new employee welcome letter with a warm welcome and expressing excitement for them joining the team is also important for creating a positive first impression and making the employee feel welcome. You may also include the contract info of their new colleagues, the employee handbook, or an introduction to an employee mentor.
We recommend customizing the new employee welcome letter template to fit your company's unique style and voice. The information provided in our sample welcome letter is very specific and likely won't all apply to your organization.
However, feel free to use our sample template as inspiration for the layout and information to include in your own welcome letter. Don't forget to make sure all necessary details are included before sending it out to your new hire. Once you create your own version, save an extra copy for easy editing and personalization for future hires.
A personalized welcome letter is just one component of an effective onboarding process. It's important to also have a plan for the new employee's first day, including introductions to their team and colleagues, a tour of the office space, any required training or onboarding sessions, and information about company culture and policies. As they progress in their tenure with your company, ongoing communication and feedback is essential for continued success. Additionally, consider implementing employee engagement surveys to gauge satisfaction and identify areas for improvement in your onboarding process.
Overall, remember that onboarding is a continual process, not just something that happens on the first day. By creating a positive and comprehensive onboarding experience for new employees, you set them up for success and improve retention rates in the long run. Be sure to include a new employee orientation as they settle into the new position.
This sample employee welcome letter template is free for download and use within your organization. No attribution is required. Resell, or distribution over the internet, or any other medium is strictly prohibited. TeamSense owns all rights, titles, and interests in and to the new employee welcome letter template.
By using this new employee welcome letter sample, you agree to the terms and conditions set forth by TeamSense.com. This template is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. If you'd like to use it for commercial purposes, please contact us for licensing options.
We hope you find this new employee welcome letter for employees helpful in streamlining the onboarding process for your company. If you have any questions or suggestions on how we can improve the new employee welcome letter template, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at hello@teamsense.com! We would love to hear from you. Thanks for using our template!