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Embracing new hires is just the start. Retaining Them Is The Battle.
The average rate of voluntary turnover in the Us in 2023 is 17.3%1
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New Hire Onboarding Checklist Template Download
Download our free onboarding checklist and keep track of your new hire's progress with this easy-to-use Excel template! - Onboarding a new employee can be a daunting task for any business, especially if you aren't prepared. There are a ton of steps and things to remember when onboarding a new employee, and it's easy to forget something important. That's why we highly recommend having a new hire checklist in place. Be it via an easy-to-use system, a printable pdf, or an excel spreadsheet, trust us - you need one.
Not only does a checklist help ensure a smooth transition for the company, but also for the employee as well (which helps with retention!).
With our free new hire onboarding checklist template, you can easily keep track of the onboarding process from start to finish. Our Excel template covers all the bases of each department, from human resources to security to IT and to the employee's direct manager. This comprehensive list will help ensure that your new hire is set up for success from day one.
Download our free new hire checklist template today to streamline your onboarding process and make onboarding smoother for everyone involved!! Your business will thank you.
Download Your New Employee Onboarding Checklist Excel Template For Free

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A new employee onboarding checklist is important because it helps ensure that all the necessary steps are taken in order to successfully onboard a new employee. Depending on how many departments are involved in welcoming a new employee, the onboarding process can be quite complex. A checklist born from the help of a new hire template helps to ensure that nothing is forgotten and that everyone knows what needs to be done.
Having a smooth and successful onboarding process is important for both the company and the employee. Having the best onboarding process makes it easy to assign tasks, create accounts, track the employee's progress, get employee feedback about onboarding materials, and ensure all new hire paperwork is completed. The Human Resources department will also have an easier time setting expectations related to job performance, company culture, company policies, dress code, informal performance review, and other onboarding processes with new hire checklists.
There are a few things that you can do to make the onboarding process easier:
Have a plan and timeline in place before the new hire starts
Delegate tasks to different team members or departments
Use an onboarding checklist for all new hires
Make sure to communicate often and keep the lines of communication open
Set up a mentorship program and assign an onboarding buddy
Have regular check-ins to see how the new hire is doing
Set up the employee's workstation and assign company resources
Distribute copies of employee handbooks, new employee forms, job descriptions, onboarding documents, and onboarding checklists
Ensure the new employee is clear on the start date, recruitment process, at will employment, onboarding tasks, meetings with other employees, and the company's culture
If you follow these tips for new employees, your onboarding process will be much smoother and easier for everyone involved. New hires will feel welcome and supported, which will help them to assimilate into the company culture and be more productive employees.
While our Excel template covers all the bases for each department, it is business-dependent. Feel free to edit, remove and add items to the checklist as you see fit for your company! Here are a few generic things that you may want to consider adding:
A welcome note or email from the company CEO or president
Company values and culture
An overview of the company's history
The employee's job description and responsibilities
A tour of the office or worksite
Introduction to key team members and managers
Here are some of the items that you may want to consider including in department-specific areas of the new hire checklist:
Human Resources:
Offer letter
Benefits Overview
Background Check
Tax Forms
Employee handbook
Building access card/fob
Computer access
Badge photo
Computer set-up
Email account set-up
Voicemail set-up
Network access
Printer access
Software licenses
Direct Manager:
First-day schedule
Project overviews
Team goals and expectations review
One-on-one meeting schedule
Mentorship program sign-up (if applicable)
By having a comprehensive and well-thought-out onboarding checklist, you can be sure that your new hire will have everything they need to hit the ground running on their first day. Making the onboarding process as smooth as possible will help to foster a positive working relationship from the start.
Some positions require a complex onboarding process. This will need more involvement from hiring managers to ensure the onboarding strategy is understood by the team member for their new job. In these cases, you may need more than a simple onboarding checklist template and instead build a full onboarding process template.
This Excel template is easily converted if you prefer to work in Google Sheets! Simply open a new Google sheet and head to file. In the drop-down menu, select open and look for the upload tab (at the time of this, it is at the end of the options). You can then drag and drop the file directly into the popup window or hit browse to look for the file on your desktop.
Once you have imported the new employee onboarding template file into Google Sheets, feel free to delete the original Excel template- you won't need it anymore! You can now edit, share and use the onboarding checklist entirely in Google Sheets.
This is a loaded question as it depends largely on the size of your organization, how often you hire, how many people are hired at once, and personal preference. If you're a small business and only onboard new hires a couple of times a year or infrequently, an excel template might be the best (and easiest) way to track everything.
If you're a mid to large-size organization or a enterprise-level organization, you likely have more complex onboarding needs. You may want to invest in an HRIS (human resources information system) or ATS (applicant tracking system). These software programs can automate a lot of the onboarding process and make things easier for both the HR department and the new hire. You can digitize new hire forms, reduce manual input into your HR system, streamline the hiring process, provide your HR onboarding checklist, and make the process easier for each new team member.
At the end of the day, it's up to you to decide what system will work best for your company to ensure a smooth onboarding process for each new employee and hiring manager. If you're not sure where to start, our employee onboarding checklist template excel template is a great starting point that can be easily customized to fit your specific needs.
This Excel onboarding new hire checklist template is free for download and use within your organization. No attribution is required. Resell, or distribution over the internet, or any other medium is strictly prohibited. TeamSense owns all rights, titles, and interests in and to the Excel new hire checklist template.
By using this Excel onboarding new hire checklist template, you agree to the terms and conditions set forth by TeamSense.com. This template is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. If you'd like to use it for commercial purposes, please contact us for licensing options.
We hope you find this new hire onboarding checklist template helpful in streamlining the onboarding process for your company. If you have any questions or suggestions on how we can improve the new employee onboarding checklist for a more effective onboarding program, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at hello@teamsense.com! We would love to hear from you. Thanks for using our template!