Empower employees with Points, PTO, and other balances, on demand via text.
Do More Than Just Create An Attendance Policy. Reduce Absenteeism Too!
TeamSense reduces absenteeism by 20-40%!
Does your call-out system track, notify instantly, and get more people in the door at the same time?
An attendance policy alone won't...
Attendance Policy Downloadable PDF Template
This free employee attendance policy template will help you inform and manage employee attendance by standardizing the process for all. Our downloadable PDF can be easily customized according to your company's needs and requirements. Use this template as a sample attendance policy to spark inspiration to create your own attendance policy. Or, you can use it as is and add or remove sections at your convenience. We believe having an attendance policy in place is essential for any business. It helps to ensure that employees are aware of the expectations and standards that are expected of them. Let this helpful template guide you as you craft your employee attendance policy
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Sample Attendance Policy Template
[Company Name] Attendance Policy
Punctuality and attendance are essential to our company's daily functions and operations. As an employee of [Company Name], we expect our employees to work their scheduled shift hours and provide ample notice when they cannot. Failure to report to work hinders not only the daily operations of our business but also the level of quality service we provide to our customers.
Employee Schedules
[Name of company] keeps working hours from [times] [workweek start day] through [workweek end day]. Hours can vary based on work location and job responsibilities. Your manager will provide you with your work schedule.
Schedules are pre-determined before hiring, but new hires are often provided options to choose their desired schedule. This option allows the employee to commit to what works best for their lives outside of work. The assigned shift will be provided on the Offer for Employment and should be followed unless approved or changed in writing by Human Resources.
Individual locations and departments may have varying shift structures based on the needs of the business, and employees should be flexible to changes. If schedules change, the employee will receive communication regarding the change within a minimum of two weeks.
All employees are expected to record their hours honestly and accurately on a daily basis. Based on a traditional work day, employees should have four punches:
Start of Shift
Lunch Out
Lunch In
End of Shift
These punches will vary based on employee type (hourly, salary, part-time, or contractor).
Employees are encouraged to review their hours weekly to ensure minimal errors before payroll. If errors are found, employees should communicate with their direct leader to submit a correction on their behalf before the next payroll.
All employees are expected to report to work and be productive during their work schedule. However, [Company Name] understands that circumstances may occur when employees cannot report to work that day.
If there are any reasons that employees plan to report late for their shift or are unable to report for their entire shift, they are expected to use the call-out line and alert their manager as soon as possible with a minimum of notice of three hours prior to the start of the shift.
Failure to alert leadership and follow the call-out process will result in disciplinary action. Please be aware that unsatisfactory attendance on a regular and consistent basis may also result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
Failure to inform leadership of a planned absence will be considered a "No Call/No Show" unexcused absence.
Excused Absence
An excused absence occurs when an employee uses paid time off (PTO) that was previously scheduled and approved by the employee's manager.
Unexcused Absence
An unexcused absence occurs when an employee is absent from work and has not notified their manager before their scheduled shift begins.
Late Arrival
All employees are expected to arrive at work on time at the start of their shift schedule. If an employee is late, they must notify their supervisor three hours prior to the start of their shift. There will be a 10-minute grace period before an employee is considered late.
Early Departure
All employees are expected to work the entire duration of their shift. If an employee cannot work the entire duration of their shift, they must notify their supervisor as soon as possible.
Disciplinary Action
Violations of this Attendance Policy will result in varying levels of disciplinary action based on the number of offenses. The progression of disciplinary action will be as follows:
Verbal Warning
Written Warning
Termination of Employment
Verbal Warning
A first offense will result in a verbal warning from the employee’s manager, reminding the employee of the Attendance Policy and further consequences if the behavior continues.
Written Warning
Violating the policy for a second time will result in a formal written warning for the employee. This written warning will remind the employee of the Attendance Policy and further consequences if the behavior escalates. This written warning will go into the employee's file with Human Resources.
In addition, the employee will receive a formal Performance Improvement Plan (PIP), informing the employee of steps to correct this behavior within 30 days. A meeting will then be scheduled to discuss how the employee is conducting themselves in accordance with the Performance Improvement Plan.
A third violation will result in employee suspension. The period of time for which the employee is suspended from work will depend on the severity of their violation. The employee may be suspended with or without pay based upon the frequency and severity of their violation, per federal and state laws.
In addition, the employee will receive a final written warning covering all the necessary steps to correct their behavior. This final written warning will go into the employee's file with Human Resources. The employee will be terminated if this behavior is not corrected within 30 days.
Termination of Employment
If the employee cannot correct their behavior after multiple violations and three warnings, the employee will be terminated upon the fourth violation of the Attendance Policy.
Job Abandonment
If the employee fails to report to work for three consecutive days, the organization will conduct a wellness check on the employee and their emergency contact (listed on their employee file).
If the organization is unable to reach the employee or emergency contact, an email will be sent to the employee's personal email. The email will alert the employee that termination is pending if there is no communication within the next 24 hours. After those allotted 24 hours, the employee will be considered to have resigned due to "Job Abandonment." A separation notice will be sent to the employee, via email, within 72 hours of separation.
Employee Acknowledgement
I acknowledge that I have read and understand the [Company Name] Attendance Policy. By signing this document, I confirm my knowledge, acceptance, and agreement to comply with the Attendance Policy.
Employee’s Name (Printed)
Employee’s Signature
An employee attendance policy template is a document that outlines the rules and expectations regarding employee attendance for use in any industry. Templates include things in a broad spectrum that can be changed or used as is. Like specifying the acceptable number of absences, what constitutes an unexcused absence, and what the consequences are for violating the policy. Having an employee attendance policy in place can help to ensure that employees are aware of the standards that are expected of them and can help to discourage absenteeism.
There are a few reasons why it might be important for your business to have an employee attendance policy in place.
First, having a clear and concise attendance policy can help to ensure that employees are aware of the expectations and standards regarding their attendance. This can help to discourage absenteeism and tardiness.
Additionally, an attendance policy can help to ensure that employees are treated fairly and consistently in regards to their attendance. This can be important for maintaining a positive work environment and preventing discrimination or favoritism.
Finally, an attendance policy can help to protect your business from liability in the event that an employee is absent or tardy.
The specific details of your employee attendance policy will depend on the needs and preferences of your business. However, there are a few key elements that you might want to consider including in your PDF policy.
First, you'll want to specify the acceptable number of absences and how those absences will be categorized (e.g. unexcused, excused, etc.).
You'll also want to outline the consequences for violating the policy, such as disciplinary action or termination.
Additionally, you might want to include a section on employee notification, specifying how and when employees should notify their supervisor of an absence.
Finally, you'll want to make sure that your policy is in compliance with all relevant laws and regulations.
Yes! Here are a few tips to keep in mind when creating your employee attendance policy:
Be clear and concise: When crafting your policy, make sure that it is clear and easy to understand. You don't want your employees to be confused about what is expected of them.
Be realistic: Make sure that your attendance policy is realistic and achievable. If you set the bar too high, your employees will be less likely to comply.
Consider your business needs: When creating your policy, think about what would work best for your business. There's no one-size-fits-all solution, so it's important to tailor your policy to meet your specific needs.
Get input from your team: Before finalizing your policy, get feedback from your employees. They will be the ones who have to comply with the policy, so it's important to get their input and make sure that they are on board with the attendance policy.
We hope these tips are helpful as you create your own attendance policy template!
An attendance policy alone often isn't enough to effectively monitor employee attendance. In order to do that, you'll need a reliable way to track employee hours and absences. TeamSense's attendance tracking software can help with that! Our software makes it easy for employees to report absences, request PTO, and for your team to track employee hours and absences, as well as view detailed reports on attendance data. The best part - is it's all done through text! No more cumbersome paper forms, apps employees don't want to download, or phone calls. Learn more about our attendance tracking software here.
If you're not using TeamSense, there are a few other options for tracking employee attendance:
You can use a time clock system, which can be helpful for keeping track of when employees arrive and depart from work. However, this method can be expensive and time-consuming to set up and maintain.
You can also ask employees to submit their hours worked and absences via email or paper forms. This method is relatively low-cost, but it can be difficult to track and manage employee submissions.
Finally, you could use a spreadsheet to track employee hours and absences. This method is low-cost and easy to set up, but it can be difficult to track employee hours if you have a lot of employees or if employees work different shifts.
No matter which method you choose, the important thing is that you find a system that works for your business!
This employee attendance policy PDF template is free for download and use within your organization. No attribution is required. Resell, or distribution over the internet, or any other medium is strictly prohibited. TeamSense owns all rights, titles, and interests in and to the attendance policy template.
By using this attendance policy template, you agree to the terms and conditions set forth by TeamSense.com. This template is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. If you'd like to use it for commercial purposes, please contact us for licensing options.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to reach out to us at hello@teamsense.com! We would love to hear from you. Thanks for using our template!
A company attendance policy can help build a company culture in many ways. The clarity can boost employee morale, reduce poor attendance, relieve stress from unscheduled absences, and help ensure work life balance. In addition to this a company's attendance policy can reduce employee absences, legal liability, excessive absenteeism, poor attendance, excessive sick leave, attendance infractions, job abandonment, overtime pay, and disciplinary measures needed for unexcused and unreported absences. On the positive side, it can increase regular attendance, job satisfaction, employee productivity, employees attendance, proper documentation, attendance and punctuality, employee performance, actual hours worked, and overall good attendance. It can clarify when a doctor's note is needed, what a good attendance record is, disciplinary actions, what to do in extreme weather conditions, time tracking, scheduled shift start time, scheduled shift end time, when prior notice is required, time management training options, and what else makes a good business practice.
There are many reasons to download this attendance policy sample template today.